Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Warning to the Church...YOU and ME

TO HELP SOME BETTER UNDERSTAND I would like to paraphrase the Word of God. I encourage you to read the following ACTUAL scripture verses on your own in there entirety and study them, while asking God to reveal His truth that it would penetrate your heart.  
Revelation chapter 2: God would rather we be Hot or Cold verses Lukewarm. If we are lukewarm He will spit us out of His mouth. Disown us. I understand Hot, on fire for God. But why would God rather we be cold than lukewarm. Wouldn't warm be better than cold?
Jeremiah chapter 7: People are going to church to worship, sounds like a good thing, right?  God has Jeremiah give them a warning. You come to hear sermons, give offerings, and sings songs of worship yet your lives are a mess, you fight, argue, withhold love, are unwilling to forgive, you don't intercede for others, your selfish and prideful, and yet you think your OK. Will you do these things in the house that bears my name? God repeats this phrase several times. In the Old Testament it was the Temple that God was talking bout but today we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We are the Temple that "Bears God's Name" when we claim to be His child. A child's actions, good or bad, reflect directly back onto their father. God says if you continue to trust in the temple that bears my name (self) I will destroy you. Gods people must do away with their sinful lifestyle.
The Book of Amos: Again, speaking to the church...You keep on sinning because it's what you love. You have church, you bring the best offerings, you sing and dance, you praise Me but I do not know why? The day of judgment for you will be a day of darkness and pain. You are deceived. You will be one of those to whom I say "I never knew you" I hate, I despise you church gatherings, your offerings and your worship! (Yes, that's in the Bible - Amos 5:21-23) You make offerings but I will not accept them. You have shown me who your king is...your worldly ways and pride that you are unwilling to let go of. To the complacent (middle and upper class - most people in the U.S.) God says You drink lots of wine, (you have great un) you use lotions (you are soft)  you play music all day (you have constant entertainment) you eat good food, & you have comfortable furnishings (compared to most of the world you do not struggle)  yet with your free time you do not spend time interceding and praying  for those who are dying, those who are unsaved, those who are suffering, you are selfish and arrogant.
Cold, Lukewarm, and Hot: God would rather us be hot or cold as by being one or the other we are either hot, on fire for God living as ambassadors of Christ, or we are cold, not claiming to be a Christian at all. When we claim to be a child of God the world watches our every move as everything we do is a reflection of our Father. When we live like Christ we bring honor to God. As a Unbeliever or someone who is cold, they do not claim to be a child of God so their actions do not reflect back to God. But when we are Lukewarm...claiming to be a child of God but not living like one, living in sin, fighting & arguing, well, we bring dishonor to God by our actions. He would rather we claim Him, dying to self and living for Christ, or He would rather us not claim Him at all, so that we do not reflect negatively back on Him. He says to the Lukewarm "Do not claim to be my child and act like that! Have you ever heard a parent say to their child who is misbehaving, "You are not my child!"
Ezekiel 36 and Amos. God gives Hope. Turn to me and live.  Amos cried out to God on behalf of Jacob, he interceded for the hurting and those suffering, and God relented. God says, intercede for others, help those who cant help themselves, love people. In Isaiah 57 He tells us to stop pointing fingers and stop the malicious talk. The New Testament tells us "why do you argue and fight? Pride." God's people should not argue. Wouldn't you be better of being wronged. Live a life worthy of the calling you have received, be COMPLETELY HUMBLE, gentle, patient, bearing with one another in love, those who are strong in their faith should bear with the failings of those who are weak. Back to Amos and Ezekiel God says seek Me and live, do not pursue wickedness, seek God, live carefully with discretion, hate evil, love good, maintain justice and perhaps God will have mercy on you. God says seek me and I will give you a new heart, I will give you a desire to follow my laws and decrees, I will put it in you to love Me and follow Me. But know I am not doing this for your sake, I am doing this for My Names Sake which you have profaned. I am doing this so that people will know I am God! To demonstrate His great love, through Jesus, God extends mercy, grace, and love to a people who do not deserve it.  God says, "Be ashamed for your conduct"
Have you been complacent? Have you offered sacrifices, offerings, and worship but your day to day life is not a reflection of Christ. Would people see your life and talk about how awesome God is or would they say something else? It's not to late, God says, "Seek Me and Live" Go to God now, confess and repent of this false worship. God desires us to Worship in Spirit and truth, offering our bodies as living sacrifices, being transformed by the renewing of our mind. That means putting other peoples needs above our own. Laying down our lives (our comfort and leisure) Micah tells us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, and God tells us in 2 Chronicles, "If my people whom I call by name would humble themselves and pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear their prayers and heal their land"
Bottom Line.  You are one of the following...
1. HOT...Surrendered to, and following Jesus with everything you are and everything you have.
2. COLD...Don't claim Jesus at all. Although judgment will come if you do not surrender, there is hope that God will allow your heart to be softened and you will come to your senses.
3. LUKEWARM...(the most common and the most dangerous) Claim to be a Christian but live like a practical atheist arguing and fighting, pointing fingers, gossiping, and blaming others.  But to you God says, "The day of judgment will be a fearful thing as you have been deceived in thinking you are saved but you will be destroyed.
There are no other choices.
Do Not Trust in Self...Ask God to show you which one you are. If it's not HOT, confess and turn to Him so that you may live.  

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